Data Purging Reminder Total Reporting Background Checks and Drug Testing Blog

Data Purging Reminder

Dear Clients, This is a reminder that Total Reporting can host your reporting data for a maximum of 5 years. After that time frame, all data must be deleted from our system. This includes: -All information within our software and websites, this means that this information will no...

DOT Guidance Regarding COVID-19

DOT Guidance Regarding COVID-19

This guidance document sent out by the Department of Transportation provides clarity to DOT-regulated employers, employees, and service agents on conducting DOT drug-and-alcohol testing given concerns about the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). We, as a Nation, are facing an unprecedented public health emergency that is straining...

COVID-19 Impact On Drug Testing

COVID-19 Impact On Drug Testing

Dear Clients, Quest and LabCorp have been named as two of the commercial labs that will be testing for COVID-19. The CDC has stated that testing must be done at state and local Public Health Laboratories or physician’s offices or hospitals. This naturally got our attention...

Court Closures With COVID-19

Court Closures With COVID-19

Dear Clients, Due to the national disruption of COVID-19 and the subsequent impact on court systems there may be some reporting delays accessing court records in some states and counties. As of this morning, 14 states are affected (with mostly isolated/individual closures), with more possible in...

Department of Transportation DOT CBD Notice - How CBD can be used in the workplace safety-sensitive postions that are federally-mandated - Total Reporting Blog Drug Testing Industry News

Department of Transportation CBD Notice

The Department of Transportation (DOT) released a notice yesterday concerning CBD use within DOT-regulated positions. We have included part of that notice for you below: We have had inquiries about whether the Department of Transportation-regulated safety-sensitive employees can use CBD products.  Safety-sensitive employees who are subject...

Meth Is Back and 'Uglier Than Ever' Total Reporting Drug Testing and Background Checks

Meth Is Back and ‘Uglier Than Ever’

There is a new wave of meth abuse sweeping the country that has police, parents, and employers shifting their focus from opioid abuse to methamphetamine. Ohio in particular has seen a staggering jump in meth usage over the past couple of years. The Ohio High-Intensity Drug...

Reminder: Changes to Federal Drug Testing and Alcohol Forms - DOT Clearinghouse Consortium FMCSA - Total Reporting Background Checks and Drug Testing Company Blog

Reminder: Changes to Federal Drug Testing and Alcohol Forms

This is a reminder for any federally-regulated drug testing clients that changes have been made to the Federal Drug Testing Custody and Control Forms (CCF) and Alcohol Testing Forms (ATF). Old forms allowed the use of either a driver's social security number (SSN) or employee identification...

Indiana Bill Could Expand Daycare Background Check Requirments - Total Reporting Background Checks and Drug Testing Blog - Get Started Today

Indiana Bill Could Expand Daycare Background Check Requirements

House Bill 1246 was just unanimously passed through the Indiana House of Representatives. If the bill is signed into law, it would require all workers at licensed daycares to undergo criminal background checks. Currently, only those who have direct contact with children are required to undergo...