2019 Update: Marijuana In The Workplace- 01 Aug
Over 80% of employers are concerned about safety in the workplace with regards to marijuana’s recreational legalization in many states, according to Current Consulting Group’s 2019 employer survey.
One of the biggest worries or impacts following marijuana’s legalization is the potential for high costs at employers’ expense. These costs can include higher worker’s compensation, more drug testing, and potential increased litigation costs. Current Compliance said that if even 1% of American small businesses have a marijuana-related court case each year, the cost to small businesses nationwide would be approximately 48 billion dollars annually.
Their survey also found that a large percentage of employers were confused as to whether they could still test for marijuana.
Yes! You can still test for marijuana. In fact, you should be!
As an employer you have the right to maintain a safe and drug-free workplace. With all of these changes in legislation, it is more important than ever before that employers protect themselves. The benefits and return on drug testing have withstood the test of time and will continue to help employers control and prevent liability costs.
If you have questions about drug testing or how you can improve your workplace program in order to protect your company, reach out to our drug testing department. You can reach them by phone or email: 844-515-5075 or drugtesting@totalreporting.com.
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